Pro Staff
Our Dr. Slick Pro Staff includes some of the greatest men and women in fly-tying. Whether you’re an old-timer or new to the game, you’ll recognize most of the names. Our professionals evaluate Dr. Slick tools long before you see them . . . testing, tweaking and suggesting ways to make them even better. What do you get when you make the best tools better? You get Dr. Slick.
Jeff "Bear" Andrews, Larry Antonuk, Lee Baermann, Brandon Bailes,
Lee Barbee, Tyler Befus, Matt Bennett, Bill Blackstone, Lee Blanton, Ken Bohannon, Tyler Boroff, Dick Brown,
Bruce Corwin, Charlie Craven, Micah Dammeyer, Dean Endress, Kevan Evans, Russ Forney, Adam Harman, Leslie Harrop,
Mike Henle, Anthony Hipps, Tim Ivey, Phil Iwane, Bob Jacklin, Joe Jackson,
Charles Jardine, David Klausmeyer, Val Kropiwnicki, John Kumiski, Lauren Lehigh, Tradd Little, Russ Maddin, Edward "Muzzy" Muzeroll,
Jim Malo, Bruce Marino, Cheryl Moore, Ken Morrish, Skip Morris,
Larry Niday, Naomi Okamoto, Graham Owen, Neal Pultz, Marlon Rampy, Phil Rowley, Sara Royalty,
Scott Sanchez, Lee Schechter, G.S. "Stack" Scoville, Jr., Chris Sparks,
Ray Stachelek, Peter Steen, Scott Stryker, Erik Svendsen, Lou Tabory, Hameed Talebian, Rick Takahashi, Steve Yates